Embracing Moderation: The Stoic Path to Balanced Leadership

“We must undergo a hard winter training and not rush into things for which we haven’t prepared.” – Epictetus

Before I get into the blog on the third virtue of Stoicism, I want to remind you that I am opening spots in my “Inner Circle” transformation coaching and training. This is a twelve-month program where I direct my in-person time and attention to those deeply committed to transforming and becoming uncommon. We meet virtually every month as a team and come together four times during the year for 3-days of powerful in-person training and practice. This is the only program where I offer personal coaching… and if you are ready and willing to do the work, then I can guarantee tremendous strides will be made. Please submit a quick application for consideration at: https://join.unbeatablemind.com/unbeatable-team


Now, let’s dive into the virtue of moderation! The four virtues of Stoic philosophy stand out like stars in a clear night sky – courage, wisdom, moderation (or temperance), and justice—each of these virtues is unique yet interconnected. In the past few weeks, I have explored the essence of developing and living with wisdom and courage. This week, I want to turn to the virtue of moderation and how personal and team leadership is not just about boldly pushing boundaries; it’s also about knowing when to pull back, take a breath, and look at the big picture with a serene mind. Moderation is playing its sweetest tune when your mind is balanced. Modern neuroscience supports this, revealing that a calm and balanced mind enhances decision-making capabilities. It turns out our Stoic friends were onto something centuries ago!

Three Steps to Moderate Leadership:

  1. Mindfully Moderating Decisions

Before you leap, take a breath. Pause. Think about the ripples your decisions will create. Mindful decision-making isn’t just about being cautious; it’s about aligning your actions with a balanced and thoughtful perspective. Studies in behavioral psychology have shown that a pause can significantly enhance the quality of our decisions. It’s like giving your brain a moment to tune its strings before playing the melody of your choices.

  1. Establish Moderation Boundaries

In the art of moderation, ‘no’ is not a dirty word. It’s a powerful statement of understanding your limits and respecting your capacities. By setting clear and moderate boundaries in work, relationships, and personal life, you’re not showing weakness but strength and self-awareness. Remember, every ‘no’ to one thing is a resounding ‘yes’ to something potentially more meaningful. Psychologists advocate for strong personal boundaries as a foundation for mental health and well-being. So, draw your lines and watch moderation blossom. But don’t go overboard with this; everything is in moderation, including moderation. Sometimes, we have to swing for the fence, and those are excellent reminders of the value of moderation!

  1. Rituals of Rest and Reflection

In the hustle and bustle of life, having a ritual for both rest and reflection is crucial. Whether it’s a daily meditation or a weekly hobby that rejuvenates you, these rituals are like an oasis in the desert of our busy lives. They provide much-needed breaks to recalibrate and ensure that our actions resonate with the harmony of moderation. Research in positive psychology has repeatedly highlighted the benefits of regular rest and reflection in enhancing overall life satisfaction.

The Journey to a Balanced Stoicism

By weaving these steps into the fabric of your daily life, you’re embarking on a journey towards a more balanced existence. Let moderation be your guiding star to balance the fire of courage and justice with wisdom. You will not dim your ambitions or dampen your passions with moderation. Instead, you will channel them in a way that brings sustainable excellence and enduring well-being. Moderation isn’t just a principle; it’s a lifestyle. It’s about finding that sweet spot between too much and too little, where our actions, decisions, and relationships flourish in a state of harmonious balance. 

Join me next week as we continue exploring the intricate dance of these ancient virtues in our modern world. We’ll delve deeper into how the principle of justice can be a compass (when moderated with courage and wisdom) in the ever-evolving landscape of global leadership. 

Stay tuned and be stoic.



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