Divine Inspiration 3/25/2025

Empowered Leadership
Empowerment isn’t about exerting power over others; it’s about harnessing your capacity to shape your own destiny. Empowered leadership involves taking full ownership of your choices and actions, regardless of external factors. An empowered leader means staying self-aware, resilient, and purposeful while cultivating environments where people trust themselves to tackle challenges and lead with integrity.

Divine Inspiration 3/18/2025

The Warrior Leader
We are composing the story of our lives from moment to moment. With this insight, you can either be writing a drama-filled novel about the losers and takers in your world: Mentally drubbing those who make you feel like the victim, or never being satisfied with your success or station in life, so you perpetually grasp for more. Or, you can be writing a powerful story of the noble warrior leader that you are, the one who is wise, calm, and optimistic; a giver, not a grasper; a winner and learner, not a victim. This warrior leader story supports and encourages others while putting their needs on equal footing with yours.

Divine Inspiration 3/4/2025

Sheepdog Strength
Being Sheepdog strong is about leading with intention, awareness, and empathy. It’s not just about being in charge; it’s about understanding and connecting with everyone around you, whether it’s your team, strangers, or those closest to you. A Sheepdog stands firm in adversity, but does so with compassion and care for others.

Divine Inspiration 02/25/2025

Owning the Shift: Confronting Paradoxes for Mental Toughness
Leadership often demands that we confront paradoxes—competing beliefs and emotions that challenge how we think and act. One of the most powerful paradoxes is the tension between embracing change and maintaining stability. As a leader, I’ve felt the struggle between driving innovation and keeping what’s working intact. The fear of disruption is real, yet it’s through embracing change that true growth happens.

Divine Inspiration 02/18/2025

Being Present to What Is

Following a recent unexpected injury, I’m taking time to pause and heal. I see this healing pause as a fantastic opportunity to really connect with what’s unfolding right in front of me, moment by moment. I have been able to stick with my daily box breathing and meditation practices, which have proven foundational for remaining grounded and present. This only highlights the power of these tools in my mind and why they are so important for us to do daily as leaders.

Divine Inspiration 02/11/2025

Lock Arms to Keep from Drowning

In BUDS and SEALFIT, there’s a brutal evolution called “surf torture,” where the instructors march the class into the cold, 60-degree surf. With our backs turned to the waves, we link arms and sit down. Then, the ocean does its work—pounding us with cold, relentless waves.

Divine Inspiration 02/04/2025

Find Your Route – Obstacles Are Not Always the Way

In leadership, there are moments when pushing through an obstacle isn’t the only solution. Take the BUDS obstacle course, for example. During one run, I found myself stuck behind a fellow student struggling. The clock was ticking, and frustration was rising.

Divine Inspiration 1/28/2025

Don’t Stop Now: How to Push Through Life’s Illusions of Success

In SEAL training, we faced a brutal 12-mile soft sand run after Hell Week. When the finish line seemed in sight, exhaustion hit hard, and many believed they were done. As the instructor pushed the pace, we sprinted the last 100 yards—only to realize the finish line was a false peak. The instructor kept running, and some fell to the ground, unable to push forward.

Divine Inspiration 1/21/2025

The Leadership Lesson from Mogadishu

In the chaos of the 1993 Mogadishu conflict, an unexpected event changed the course of the battle. While Pakistani quick reaction forces hesitated to head out of their protective compound to support US Army Rangers in a life-and-death firefight, fearing the dangers of the mission, four special operators led by Navy SEAL Captain Olsen made a daring decision to walk directly into the fight. Their bold and risky move shocked the Pakistani commanders, who, in turn, were compelled to act. The SEALs’ courage eliminated doubt by demonstrating the power of decisive action.

Divine Inspiration 1/14/2025

The Power of Silence in Leadership

During my career, I once worked with a leader who struggled with one major weakness: the inability to embrace the beauty of silence. Despite his good intentions, he constantly discussed plans and challenges, talked over people, and jumped in when there was a pause, never allowing others to contribute.